Ashlee Christine Morales

Ashlee Christine Morales
"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not bedismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10 <3

Ashlee's Story

On November 28, 2010 Ashlee was involved in a very serious car accident in the early morning hours while on her way home.

It started with a fender bender on the 210 freeway, which disabled her vehicle on the freeway. A good samaritan stopped to advise that she and the other vehicle involved should pull to the shoulder (the dirt area).

While they were about to exchange information an oncoming drunk driver swerved onto the shoulder up the enbankment and landed his vehicle on our Ashlee, pinning her underneath.

Upon arrival of CHP & medical attention they lifted the vehicle off her body & once moved Ashlee lost pulse for a very long time! Until God returned her back to us. She has what is called Anoxic Brain Injury.

And this is where we are now just waiting.... And GOD IS IN CONTROL!

Heavenly Father - We first Thank you for all you have done, and we Pray that you would shed your Grace upon Ashlee and Our Family. Please allow your Love to Calm us and carry us thru this tribulation. Our Lives We Give to You Lord. In Jesus Name We Pray!!! AMEN!

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Still Healing

Hello Family and Friends....sorry we have not updated in awhile. We have been so busy with our Ashlee. She unfortunatly is still in ICU now at a different Hospital.One that has a great Neurosurgeon. Ashlee has been vomitting for the past two months and they are trying to find the source. Many specialist on her case. They are thinking it may be Neuro related. So they may place a permenant shunt in her head to drain the fluid in her brain....that may be the source of the vomitting. PLEASE keep our ASHLEE in your Prayers!!! God is in control of this Storm and We Trust and Love HIM!!!
Amen!!!! Love you all!!!


  1. We are praying for you, Ashlee. We hope you feel better and stop the vomiting. We love you with all of our hearts.
    Uncle John, Colleen, Cheyenne, & Keoni

  2. Renee, I am so glad to know that Ashlee has a team of wonderful neurosurgeons to help her with her care. I have a friend who suffered from overproduction of spinal fluid, called "intracranial hypertension" and because she would produce so much spinal fluid that she was vomiting constantly they put a permanent shunt in and fed the tube through her brain and down to her stomach where the spinal fluid could be drained and processed through her waste. I know Ashlee doesn't have this same illness, but if they place a shunt in there, it could very likely do the trick for many of the symptoms she is suffering from. Praise the Lord for brilliant doctors who know how to do such a thing! I will continue to pray. We are still clinging to the Lord for His promises of restoration. Where two or more are gathered, HE is in the midst of them! God is HERE! We are all praying for sweet Ashlee to be fully restored. What a testimony this will be!! God bless you and your family!!

  3. My friend that I mentioned before is living a very active lifestyle with her shunt! Praise the Lord! Thank You, Jesus, for our HOPE in you!

  4. We think the shunt has WORKED!!!! PRAISE GOD!! WE WILL KEEP YOU ALL UPDATED!! <3 TO GOD BE THE GLORY!!!

  5. Renee, my thoughts and prayers are always with Asylee. When we are weak he is strong.His mercy endures forever and forever we will trust in him.
    Love you all.
    Aunt Caroline
